Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Do Indoor Gardening

indoor garden

Plants are just as popular as furniture when one is deciding on furniture and soft furnishings.
Aside from the aesthetic value plants provide your home with, there are also health benefits - grade school science class tells us that plants cleanse the air through utilizing the carbon dioxide and producing more oxygen. Here is some important information on how to care for your indoor plants to gain the optimum health and aesthetic benefits.


Most indoor plants need good lighting. Darker leaved plants usually don't need as much light as others.

a. Philodendrons
b. Boston ferns
c. African violets
e. Creeping Fig


A common mistake most people make in indoor gardening is they tend to over-water the plants, which may lead to rotting roots.  Make sure to research the type of plant you have, because each kind of plant varies on their watering needs.


Choose good quality and attractive container for your indoor plants. Humidity

In indoor gardening, humidity is a big issue.  During mornings, you could spray the plants with water for their much-needed moisture. Fertilization

Just like watering, fertilizing depends on the type of plant.  If you have managed to supply your indoor garden with the right amount of light, water and humidity, fertilization may not need much attention. A good indoor fertilizer can be bought from most home depot or hardware stores. Orchids need the special fertilizer available.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Herb Gardening

herb garden

Herbs have been around since time immemorial and served different kinds of purposes. Do you want to have your own herb garden?  Here are a few ideas on how to establish an herb garden.

Plan your garden.

Consider the herbs you want to plant.  Would you like annuals, biennials or perennials? 

List or draw your garden on paper first.  Separate the annuals from the perennials so when the time comes that you have to pull out the annuals, you won't be disturbing the perennials.  Perennials can be planted on the edge of your garden so when it is time to till your garden they won't be in danger of getting dug up. 

Another thing to remember is that you have to plant the tall ones at the back and the shorter ones in front.  Also, provide your plants with enough space to grow. Proper position shall help you in this area.

If you would rather keep herbs out of your garden (and some are quite invasive) you could have herb pots. Fill the pot up to the first outlet and plant it before continuing on with the filling and planting process. Usually, the herb that requires the most water is planted in the bottom hole, while the variety that requires the least, goes in the highest hole.

Some Design Ideas

You can consider having a square herb bed.  You can have your square bed divided into four by two paths crossing at mid point measuring 3 feet.  You can lay it down on your garden and plant your herbs between its rungs.  You can also choose to have a wagon wheel bed.  Planting here is like planting with the wooden ladders.  Plant your herbs in between the wagon wheel's wedges. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Bed rugs and beyond

bed rugs

Here's an item that is bound to be considered unusual by some - the bed rug. Bed rugs are a bit different in that you have the opportunity to use them to express yourself more in this room then you might in a living room or kitchen, areas that might be designed more conservatively for entertaining and such. A few things to consider while choosing bed rugs for your room are style, color and design, as mentioned above, but don't forget about functionality too. If you have hardwood floors, bed rugs can be perfect way to start your day. Of course, there are other places in the bedroom where this type of rug might look appropriate. You may wish to add a matching rug to the dresser. The lower cost will allow you to make changes over time if the bed rugs wear out, or if you simply get tired of them and want to make a change.

Best of all, the wide variety of colors, textures, and styles involved make deciding on the perfect rug or rugs for you an interesting and often fun adventure.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bathroom rugs bring out the beauty

bathroom rugs

With so many different types of bathroom rugs to choose from, you can alter the look of your bathroom with a simple purchase.  You can choose colors that will match with your paint scheme, colors that are light or bright to make the room look bigger, or just simply a color that you like.  So after you’ve established size and color, you can choose from many different materials and types of rugs.  Most rugs designed to go in the bathroom are lined on the bottom with a rubber like material.  This keeps the rug from slipping out of place, an important safety feature.

A bathroom rug is not only decorative, but functional when stepping out of the shower or tub.   If you are looking for an inexpensive way to redecorate your bathroom, changing the rug is a great move.    For example, if you wish, you could change the color of the rug with the change of seasons—lighter colors during the spring and summer months and warmer, dark colors during fall and winter,  or you  can place a decorative rug in the bathroom to celebrate the holidays.  Whatever your choice, the simple change of a bathroom rug can put a new look into your bathroom.

Are Rugs More Of A Nuisance Than A Convenience

area rugs more

Many people use rugs to enhance their home, especially those who have hardwood or pergo flooring. Rugs can help protect the floor from the damage of everyday wear and tear. Others choose to have the addition of rugs in their home, even though the floors may be carpeted. The people who choose to do this simply like how rugs brighten up the room, enhance the décor, and even possibly hide stains and imperfections in the carpet.

Some people feel that rugs are more of a hassle than they are worth. One problem for some people is the cost of a really nice rug. Rugs can be quite expensive, which can cause some people to quickly go over their budgets. The larger the rug, the more difficult it is to clean. It’s not like you can toss a huge room-sized rug into your washing machine. Vacuuming the rug is no big deal, especially for a really large and expensive one. A person wouldn’t have a problem with the rug getting caught in the vacuum cleaner unless it was a cheap rug without the proper backing. In order to give your rug a really good regular cleaning, you would need to either use a steam carpet cleaner or have them professionally dry cleaned.